Tag Archives: Phil Cannella
Phil Cannella’s Commitment to Consumer Advocacy
Phil Cannella has faced some tough challenges in his effort to make changes to the financial services industry and bring about reforms on Wall Street. But the battle over fiduciary duty may be his greatest victory to date. The Wall Street environment is a perfect example of the ‘every man for himself’ approach. Financial professionals are all too willing to take advantage of oblivious consumers, while industry insiders are work solely for their own personal financial gain, with little regard for the people they serve. Read More +
Phil Cannella Interviews Industry Leaders
Phil Cannella, Crash Proof Retirement Founder, has established himself as the tri-state area’s leading authority on retirement phase expertise. He has accomplished this, in part, by establishing a loyal following through his Crash Proof Retirement educational events, where he teaches hundreds of attendees about the twists and turns of the financial industry. But every Crash Proof Retirement educational event has at least one thing in common—at or near the beginning of the session, Phil Cannella makes one strong, declarative statement to the standing-room-only gathering. “My Read More +
Phil Cannella Conquers Injustice In Federal Court
Phil Cannella, as an insurance and financial professional for almost forty years, has helped tens of thousands of consumers protect themselves against the risks they face as they head into retirement. His Crash Proof Retirement System is a testament to this very mission in that he has devised a means to protect the nest egg of an individual or family from stock market volatility. Speaking to any of his thousands of clients, you will find a common thread among them all, not one single one Read More +
Phil Cannella Clarifies The Financial Landscape
Since founding Retirement Media Inc. in 2012, Phil Cannella has been on a mission to free the everyday American from the misinformation and biased commentary of the mainstream media. When it comes to retirement-specific advice, Phil Cannella has found the research and information put forth by such media outlets to be lacking, misleading and just plain wrong. Phil Cannella discussed the latest example of this glaring shortcoming on last weekend’s Crash Proof Retirement Show. “The mainstream media is confused,” Cannella told the listening audience as Read More +
Phil Cannella and Crash Proof Retirement Celebrate CHOP’s Child Life Month
Phil Cannella, Joann Small and Crash Proof Retirement are proud of their association with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. March is Child Life Month at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and the Hospital is celebrating with this video from their Child Life, Education and Creative Arts Therapy department! Crash Proof Retirement stands alone as the largest single donor in the history of the WOGL Loves Our Kids Radiothon, dating back to 2010. This past December, Phil Cannella and Joann Small donated another $50,000 to CHOP, pushing Read More +
President Obama Validates Phil Cannella And Crash Proof Retirement
The President of the United States echoes Phil Cannella’s message on fiduciary duty. Every weekend, Phil Cannella and Joann Small host The Crash Proof Retirement Show on Philadelphia’s number-one talk radio station, Talk Radio 1210 WPHT. This 50,000-watt station has the capability to reach 38 states as well as Canada. Apparently, the signal’s been reaching Washington D.C. On February 23, 2015, President Barack Obama gave a speech at AARP headquarters in Washington, D.C. in which he bemoaned the lack of fiduciary duty and the rampant Read More +
Phil Cannella and Crash Proof Consumers Respond To NY Post Attack
This past week on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, we addressed an unfounded attack against First Senior Financial Group and The Crash Proof Retirement System. On February 15, New York Post columnist John Crudele attempted to assess the Crash Proof Retirement System through his “Dear John” column in the Sunday edition of the newspaper. He did this in response to a letter written by “M.B.” of Princeton, N.J., a regular listener to The Crash Proof Retirement Show. Unfortunately, Crudele and his source, Jeffrey Golden of Circle Advisers failed to do adequate research Read More +
Phil Cannella Takes The Charge To The Next Level
Phil Cannella is always looking to take his work to the next level. His marketing efforts, his Crash Proof Retirement System, and his approach to life as a whole are examples of his willingness to push the envelope and not settle for anything less than the best. This trademark attribute has thrust him into the national spotlight not just as a Retirement Phase Expert, but a man at the forefront of change, bringing new vistas of hope and solution to people in and approaching retirement. Read More +
Phil Cannella Dispels the Myth of ‘Safety’ in Bonds
Phil Cannella knows that one of the ugliest words in the English language is ‘bankruptcy.’ Bankruptcy has ruined the savings, the nest eggs, and the lives of millions of Americans. That’s why Phil Cannella finds it so appalling that declaring bankruptcy has become an accepted practice—almost a strategy—among major U.S. corporations. “You realize,” Phil Cannella tells the gatherings he speaks to each week around the tri-state area, “that when a corporation goes into bankruptcy… that’s their payday, because they get to keep your money.” And Read More +
Phil Cannella Exposes the Illusion of Mutual Funds
Phil Cannella is on a mission to bring truth and transparency to American retirees as it pertains to their finances and the so-called “professionals” who manage their accounts. For that reason, Phil Cannella has recently updated his “top-secret series” on mutual funds. With over 12,000 different accounts in this country alone, mutual funds represent the most accessible option available to most investors looking to grow their money. But very few investors really understand where their money goes once they write the check to their fund’s Read More +
Phil Cannella Takes the Charge to the Next Level
Phil Cannella, Phillip Cannella Reviews, Phil Cannella Reviews, Phillip Cannella Phil Cannella is always looking to take his work to the next level. Whether it be his marketing efforts, whether it be his Crash Proof Retirement System, or whether it simply be his approach to life as a whole, it is perhaps one of his trademark attributes that has thrust him into the national spotlight not just as a retirement specialist, but a man at the forefront of change, bringing new vistas of hope and solution Read More +
Phil Cannella Demands Fiduciary Responsibility – Phil Cannella Media
Phil Cannella speaks of fiduciary responsibility Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella often speaks of a fiduciary responsibility. According to the dictionary, the word means “involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.” Phil Cannella demands his peers In Phil Cannella’s mind, there are far too many individuals in the financial services industry who don’t work in the client’s best interest and they won’t hold themselves accountable for their advice and recommendations. This is one key element that Read More +
Phil Cannella’s Strives to be a Consumer Advocate – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella the believer Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella believes in consumer advocacy. He does this in many different ways as he is not here just to invest someone’s assets for them, Phil Cannella wants to protect the assets of seniors and retirees against market losses at all costs. Phil Cannella markets to seniors This is one of the reasons Phil Cannella markets so diligently to seniors as he wants to be and is their advocate. One aspect of his process is that Read More +
Phil Cannella Gets an Honorable Discharge from the Marine Corp – Phil Cannella Media
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella’s life prior to becoming a financial professional is a very colorful and interesting one. Certainly nothing in his childhood could even remotely be classified as dull or mundane. Growing up as one of 5 kids, and being the oldest son, Phil Cannella started early in his life in the role of a protector of those younger or weaker. Furthermore, Phil Cannella always pushed himself and strived to be the best he could possibly be at whatever he does. Read More +
Phil Cannella Questions the Safety of Bonds – Phil Cannella Blog
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella challenges the idea that bonds are a completely safe investment. Another one of Phil Cannella’s famous philosophies is this concerning bonds: “Remember Enron? I know a lot of folks who prefer not to. This once-thriving blue chip turned scandal carried a substantial number of bonds. When Enron’s dodgy accounting practices were uncovered, and the company eventually filed for bankruptcy, those bonds became essentially worthless. This caused employees and investors to lose millions of dollars and, tragically for many, Read More +
Phil Cannella Launches the Crash Proof Retirement Show® – Phil Cannella News
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella is on the air every weekend broadcasting his Crash Proof Retirement Show® across the CBS network. If you tune in on a Saturday morning you can here Phil Cannella discuss his crash proof principals. The Crash Proof Retirement Show® was not just a fancy gimmick or a means to get some marketing done. It was Phil Cannella’s way of bringing some truth to the American retiree that was otherwise getting no mention on main stream media. Once Phil Read More +
Phil Cannella Explains Fiduciary Responsibility – Phil Cannella News
Phil Cannella speaks about this often Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella often speaks of a fiduciary responsibility. What exactly is that you may ask. According to the dictionary, the word means “involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.” Phil Cannella demands accountability Why is it that Phil Cannella speaks about this so often. Very simply put, because a lot of professionals in the financial services industry don’t uphold any such responsibility toward their clients. Phil Cannella Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Discusses Reverse Mortgages
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella, as a renowned Retirement Expert, has some advice to share on reverse mortgages as a tool that may be appropriate for some seniors. Phil Cannella explains that a reverse mortgage is one of the best concepts to come along in years for the benefit of retired Americans. It’s a federally regulated financial resource that provides a lump sum of income with no restriction on its use. In fact, it’s a loan from yourself to yourself that’s tax-free and Read More +
Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella Explains How Crash Proof Retirement Applies to You
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella crash proof retirement system is much more than just a cliché, it is a means to protect the nest egg of a consumer so that it is secure from market crashes. In this day and age, when retirees are living longer than ever, it is important than a retiree has the necessary wherewithal to live out their retirement dreams. This is one of the reasons Phil Cannella designed the Crash Proof Retirement system. He was dissatisfied seeing retirees lose Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Says that a Reverse Mortgage Could be a Win-Win for All Involved
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella, as it is well-known, is a true retirement expert when it comes to working with a senior’s finances. Phil Cannella is the consummate financial professional and has studied much in order to properly advise and counsel seniors on what to do to protect their hard earned nest eggs as they go into retirement. One of the topics Phil Cannella is very familiar with is a reverse mortgage. This is really just another tool in the mix of tools Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Explains Equity Indexed Annuities
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella carefully separates the different types of annuities available on the market so that the consumer can review and look at each one by its own merits. In fact, what Phil Cannella will do when a consumer comes through his educational process is educate him or her on the different types of financial vehicles out there so that they can make an informed decision with regard to their finances. An often misunderstood product, as Phil Cannella explains, is the Equity Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Warns Not To Confuse the Bad Annuities with the Good Ones
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella, like any good researcher, can rapidly separate the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff so to speak. Phil Cannella has done exactly that when examining the different types of annuities out there. As Phil Cannella points out, there are some annuities that are truly bad for the consumer and should never ever be sold. On the other hand, we cannot let the bad rap these annuities have get in the way of our clear thinking Read More +
Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella Adds Up The Fees in a Variable Annuity
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella exposes in just minutes how a variable annuity is just wrong for the consumer in so many different ways. A simple math example that Phil Cannella can do on a white board in front of you illustrates this very, very well. First Phil Cannella tells us to add up the variable annuity fees from the insurance side and the mutual fund fees from the securities side. Easily, you could be looking at about 5% each and every year. Then Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Asks Who Will Pay for Social Security When The Money Runs Out
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella makes an excellent point that sooner or later there will be a shortfall with tax revenues and the government will no longer have adequate funds to continue paying social security. Most of us are banking on the fact that when we reach 65 we’ll be getting a stream of income from social security based on what we put in. So many are blissfully looking forward to their Golden Years…. Phil Cannella doesn’t want to shatter anyone’s dreams, but there Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella on Social Security
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella warns us that social security might not have the funds in 10 years time to provide us with what it claims it should when we reach 65 years of age. This very fact is made known to us by the social security administration itself according to Phil Cannella. Phil Cannella explains it very consisely: “Every year around your birthday, you receive a report showing what you’ve paid into Social Security and what you can expect your payment to be Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Gives us Another Fundamental Philosophy
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella shines a beacon of light for all people who are in their retired years. That light paves a way for a much more fulfilling and rewarding retirement by reason of protection and preservation of an individual’s estate by taking those assets that are at risk and putting this into vehicles that are proof’d against market loss. Phil Cannella provides consumers with a means to navigate through retirement by providing an education to all those that come through his doors. Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella’s Take on the Major Problem With Retirement Accounts
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella looks at retirement differently than most retirees and most financial advisors because his family suffered a catastrophic loss of their nest egg shortly after retirement. He now helps thousands of American retirees avoid the same catastrophe. During the Accumulation Phase, you may feel secure knowing that you are putting away money that will allow you to retire safely and happily. Whether you’ve contributed to a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, SEP, Keogh or other government sanctioned retirement account, you knew you Read More +
Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella Explains “Sleep Well Accounts”
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella works with American retirees who want to sleep well knowing their nest egg is safe and sound. One of the financial lessons he teaches is something many people don’t realize, which is that the insurance industry can be their number one ally. Phil Cannella calls insurance products “sleep well accounts” because they allow you to sleep well no matter what the economic conditions are. If the markets go up, you sleep well knowing that you’re making money. If they Read More +
Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella Explains the Exclusion Ratio
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Blog: Phil Cannella shows retirees everyday how to legally refrain from reporting 85% of their income over a ten-year period, a method that most financial advisors aren’t even aware of. Do you want to know how you can do the same? The answer lies with what is called the Exclusion Ratio, which is the portion of your annuity’s income that the IRS considers a return of your original principal. When you own certain insurance products, you receive a number of tax Read More +
Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Shines a Beacon of Light for Seniors
Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella offers real hope to seniors that something effective can be done for them when it comes to protecting their assets from erosion. In a world bent on greed and amassing money at every turn, Phil Cannella shines a beacon of light not just on the hope that something effective can be done, but actually provides some real planning for people in their retired years. A first-hand experience of some of the real difficulties that seniors and their family’s face Read More +