Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella has a lot of tricks up his sleeve on how to avoid probate. If you’ve had any experience with a loved one going through probate you will most likely quickly realize that an alternative solution would be far better than the anxieties and difficulties that probate brings about. This field is another area in which Phil Cannella shines.
Phil Cannella knows quite a few “tricks” that are unknown to many based on the experience and education he has personally gone through in order to effectively help seniors. This here is one of Phil Cannella’s favored methods anyone can use to avoid many of the hassles of probate: “Another tactic is to make a Transfer On Death, or ‘TOD’ arrangement with the financial institutions that hold your securities and brokerage accounts to have them distribute your assets to your heirs. All you do is provide your list of beneficiaries to the institution with the acronym ‘TOD.’ Upon your death, disbursements will commence immediately in accordance with your TOD instructions. With banking instruments, such as CDs or money market accounts, the arrangement is Payable On Death, or ‘POD.’ Both TOD and POD accounts help your heirs avoid the high costs and drawn out process of probate.”
This the type of information you can expect to get when going through Phil Cannella’s crash proof retirement system. The concept behind his business is not a sale but an education and thousands have benefited from it.