Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella Explains How Crash Proof Retirement Applies to You

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella crash proof retirement system is much more than just a cliché, it is a means to protect the nest egg of a consumer so that it is secure from market crashes. In this day and age, when retirees are living longer than ever, it is important than a retiree has the necessary wherewithal to live out their retirement dreams. This is one of the reasons Phil Cannella designed the Crash Proof Retirement system. He was dissatisfied seeing retirees lose too much of their assets due to factors outside of their control.

Phil Cannella explains that there are over 550 investment vehicles which provide guaranteed return on your assets, while protecting your principle from any loss, even during an economic downturn — essentially making these vehicles “Crash Proof.” Phil Cannella says that retirement nest eggs cracked in 2008. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds cratered as the global economy spun down a whirlpool of tumult and financial disaster. Everyone who suffered has asked themselves: “Why did this happen to me?”

Phil Cannella doesn’t want that to happen to anyone again. He urges us not to fall victim to the whims of the market ever again and come through his education process to find solutions that work.