Phil Cannella works with people in and approaching retirement day in and day out. He explains that retirement is no longer what it used to be and this has resulted in much more planning that must be done to protect a retiree who has 20 – 30 years of retirement ahead of them.
As Phil Cannella explains, many, many years ago, most retirees had a good pension and a nice social security check to lean on when they retired. Yet the retirement landscape has changed markedly over the last 20 – 30 years. Pensions are not as common as they used to be. Defined Benefit Plans have been replaced in many cases by Defined Contribution Plans. In days gone by you worked for a company for most of your life, got a good pension when you retired and you were set.
Social Security has changed over the years with the full retirement age increasing and taxation of social security introduced for the wealthier workers. That, along with pensions having gone by the wayside, has put the responsibility of a safe retirement squarely in the hands of the consumer.
And this is exactly where Phil Cannella fits in and comes to the aid of every retiree today. He recognized the shortfall in retirement plans and created the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System, which could come to the rescue and help prevent the attrition of a retiree’s nest egg and continue to grow while they depended on it for income.
This is the hallmark of Phil Cannella’s exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System. It is built around the consumer, protecting his or her assets from market volatility and risk so that he or she can be certain of their own retirement future and not have to risk the enjoyment of their golden years.