Phil Cannella Media: Phil Cannella Discusses The Retirement Phase

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella Media: Phil Cannella has managed to categorize financial life into two very distinct phases, the accumulation phase and the retirement phase. At first this dissection seems obvious; however a majority of consumers don’t act accordingly when transitioning phases.

When you are working a lifetime and saving money for retirement so that you can relax after years of hard work, this is your accumulation phase. Phil Cannella emphasizes that this is the phase in which consumers can experiment with risk investments like stocks, bonds and mutual funds, should they feel they are in a position to handle potential losses to their investment. The retirement phase begins the day you start actually planning your retirement. This means, as soon as you begin to start considering your retirement budget, you can no longer work with numbers that are subject to change in a moment’s notice. Phil Cannella explains that, due to the new demand for financial stability, the retirement phase has much less room for experimenting with risk. It is based off of this concept that the Crash Proof Retirement™ system has been so successful.